COURS // DLS4200 Internship : Certificate
Mes cours favoris
Ce système permet de sélectionner vos cours favoris en prévision de votre inscription qui se fait sur le portail étudiant.
Trimestre | Cours | Groupe |
Description du cours
- Cycle : 1
- Type de cours : Stage en Enseignement
- Nombre de crédits : 3
- Discipline : Enseignement
This is an internship course during which teams of students will be responsible for three hours of instructional time per week over a ten-week period. The learners taught will be adults. Over the course of the internship, students will decide on the content of the instruction they will offer, organize a syllabus for their learners, and undertake the planning, teaching and evaluation of lessons. Pre and post internship meetings will provide a forum for discussion of problems and analysis of experiences. All analyses and activities developed within the framework of this course will be added to the students' portfolios.
Conditions d'accès
Avoir complété ou compléter, au même trimestre, tous les cours de didactique du programme.